Brandon Matthews

Cultivate Church
Alabaster, AL

Pastors University was an incredible experience. After years of distance learning from Pastor Larry, it was an honor to sit under 50 lessons from his incredible 50 years of ministry. I believe that healthy people lead healthy people and Pastors University provides all of the necessary tools to be a healthy individual, spouse, parent, leader, and pastor. I am grateful for this experience.

Brandon Doss

Cultivate Church
Alabaster, AL

The four weeks spent with Pastor Larry at Pastors University was priceless. Not only were we exposed to 50 years of life lessons, and ministry experience that you just don't learn in Seminary... We were introduced to new relationships that will hopefully last a lifetime. God used Larry Stockstill to stretch my faith, expand my leadership, and speak prophetically into my life. I'm forever grateful.

Justin Chambers

New Song Church
Plymouth, Indiana

To say Pastor Larry has significantly impacted my life and ministry is an understatement. His wisdom and teachings are second to none. Joining Pastor's U is a decision you'll never regret!

David Urzi

Cape First Church
Cape Girardeau, MO

Pastors University is something that can’t fully be described, but rather experienced. The experience that I had over 4 modules is something that I will take with me for the rest of my life. If you’re looking to lead a healthier level and a higher level, this course is for you!

Ryan Austin

Southpoint Community Church
Jacksonville, FL

Pastor's University changed my life. My brother and I are finishing up our last semester in seminary to receive a master's in divinity. I can honestly say that four weeks being trained by pastor Larry Stockstill has prepared me more for the ministry than four years of seminary. Not only did pastor Larry teach us how to lead effectively and build great churches, he taught us how to be better men. From our personal prayer lives to our marriages to raising kids to leading a church staff and dealing with controversial issues to preaching...pastor Larry teaches it all. And it is more than a teaching. It is an impartation. You can't get this kind of impartation through podcasts and going to conferences. In addition to all this, I was blessed to build relationships with other pastors who I believe will be lifelong brothers in the Lord. This was a gift from God that my brother and I were invited to this. We are new men ready to live out God's call for our lives. 

Nathan Rychener

Northwoods Community Church
Peoria, IL

Pastor’s University is unparalleled training for leaders in ministry. For me personally, it was way more than just content and classes. Pastor’s University was a season of fathering which will forever mark my heart. The conversations had, the relationships formed, and the prophetic words released simply cannot be replicated. Pastor’s University is unique and is meant for such a time as this when so many in the Church need to be raised up, fathered, and empowered to fulfill God’s call on their life. Larry has helped do that for me and my brother, and our lives, families, and ministries will never be the same because of it! Thank you Pastor Larry!

Jeff Jenkins

Anchor Church
McKinney, TX

Pastor Larry is a father and hero to me. I treasure every gesture from him and value his spirit & heart for equipping pastors so deeply. Pastors University was truly a top highlight of my 27 yrs of full time ministry. Pastor Larry, thank you for every detail, your excellence and thank you for loving me and our team so well. I hope to bring more pastors in 2021. Best Ahead!

Eric Gilbert

Russell Springs, Ky

Pastor Larry's legacy speaks for itself, as the fruit of his ministry extends into tens of thousands of churches and some of Christianity's greatest leaders. To glean from his insight during so many incredible teachings was life-transforming. Every single session, I had multiple moments when I knew my leadership skills were changed for the better because of his wisdom and unparalleled insight. I love you, Pastor Larry. Thank you for investing in us!

Harry Bates

New Life Church
Conway, AR

The 50 lessons from 50 years of ministry from Pastor Larry is the most valuable information that I have received from any conference, seminar, or retreat. The teachings that Pastor Larry gave to us is invaluable information for pastors that I'm not sure any Bible college could not give to you. These teachings and information will continue to help our church for years and years to come. I'm so thankful and honored that I was able to attend Pastors University this year! 

David Ford

Celebration Church
Terrytown, LA

I can’t imagine where I’d be in 2020 without Pastors University.  

This year hasn’t been the easiest for any of us. There were some ups & lots of downs. For me personally, Pastors U was definitely one of the highlights not only of 2020 but of my entire life.

I believe every pastor should experience Pastors University. Every time I came back home, my wife noticed a change in my life. 

At Pastors University, I met pastors from around the world who were walking through the same season. The relationship you form with Pastor Larry and others will last a lifetime. 

If you’re thinking there’s no way for you to come, stretch your faith!! Someone paid my way when I thought there was no chance. Now I’m looking to plant that same seed in others to watch them experience explosive growth. 

 I’m so thankful to Pastor Larry and his team for an amazing year.

Kyle Brownlee

Xperience Church

What an incredible opportunity to be able to spend 4 weeks learning from someone I have the utmost regard and respect for! Since planting our church through ARC over 8 years ago, and hearing countless teachings and messages from Pastor Chris Hodges over the years about the impact yourself and Bethany has had on his life, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to be a part of PU. I don’t know how many times throughout the cohort I said “that’s where it came from.” The lessons you taught I will forever cherish and refer back to the rest of my life, but on top of that (and that was worth it in itself) to be able to spend time with you personally, to have you lay hands on us and speak a prophetic word over us, I have no words. It was such a blessing, and an honor to have that time!! Thank you doesn’t seem to quite do it. But thank you for being a spiritual father to us pastors, thank you for believing in us, thank you for challenging us, and thank you for calling us to places we weren’t sure we could go!! I’ve been a part of several cohorts over the years and this was by far the best.